Bulgaria Ski discussion board

smolyan hospital

Paul smith Author:Paul smith posts : 28   (Beginner)Date : 01-08-13 11:33

smolyan hospital

Is the above hospital private or state?
Because of my gall stones insurance quotes are really high. My E111 card covers me for treatment at state hospitals so i was going to get insurance with my gall stones being uninsured, then in the unlikely event of me needing treatment for this fall back on the E111 for this cover.
im googling but am struggling to find out if its private or not. I am presuming the above is the closest hospital?

Thank you
Helen Author:Helen posts : 748   (Expert)Date : 01-08-13 11:43

re: smolyan hospital


The hospital in Smolyan would be the closest to Pamps. The main hospital in Smolyan isnt private - but check what is covered on the E111, because whilst the emergency treatment may be covered there may be some costs that aren't covered and have to be paid for locally.