i keep getting told not to worry on another thread as snow is on the way at the weekend.
And all the temps are showing well below 4 degrees, it was minus 7 last night according to several weather stations so the cannons should have already been on really!
Can't answer that question specifically... However, I don't think it was anywhere near -9 where the cannons are. They're on the Rila side and Yastrabets. I don't think it was cold enough at that area.
As I, and others have said repeatedly skater girl... Stop panicking. It's snowing now, going to snow on and off most of the conk g week by the looks and generally getting cooler.
Skater girl here is the link for the borosport cameras you will see if the cannons are on because the have large white lights on them when they are on http://www.borovets-bg.com/en/weather/
As Paul G says dont worry you will be fine and there will be plenty of snow for you to ski on Jon
Thanks all. I was more saying that kas never answers me not the rest of you! The rest of you have been brilliant, soothing my neurotic self! Bad news from here is I feel really really ill. (And that isn't an exaggeration. ) I am wishing I had had my offered flu jab now, as that's what i am worrying about. had flu in 2000 and oh my!!! I can see myself in bed for the entire break! BUT so long as we get there and my kids ( and hubby) can ski, that'll do me. I just hope I am not too ...
Thanks all. I was more saying that kas never answers me not the rest of you! The rest of you have been brilliant, soothing my neurotic self! Bad news from here is I feel really really ill. (And that isn't an exaggeration. ) I am wishing I had had my offered flu jab now, as that's what i am worrying about. had flu in 2000 and oh my!!! I can see myself in bed for the entire break! BUT so long as we get there and my kids ( and hubby) can ski, that'll do me. I just hope I am not too ill to drive to the airport tomorrow.
I feel as though I've been cursed with this break!!
Say a few prayers for me! And thank you for all your help. Will come back and report on our return.
Hi Skatergirl.
Hope you feel better soon, but don't give your flu to Bobby and Kas, they're only just got over it and will need all their strength for the Invasion!!
Have fun.
Queenie. X
Hi Everyone... We are bringing our 4 Year Grandson Lucas... I want him to be part of the 26 Jan Invasion... This is the first time we have brought a child so young... I need help and advice... at the evening we have no problem but during the day I dont want to leave him in a non ski kinderden...
Will I be able to hire equipment... Will I be able to get him basic lessons... Will he need a lift pass...
Hi Spartacus, not having taken young children I'm not sure. What I do know is that just down the road from Bobbys there is a kindergarten fenced off area on the slopes, next to the Ice Angels. It looks so cool, seen tiny ones Skiing there and they have 'rubber inner tubes in a carousel thingy'. I wanted a go but was too old ( and big!). Kids looked like thy we're having fun though. Sure Kaz will help.
Queenside. Xx