Bulgaria Ski discussion board

Christmas Borovets

Brian jones Author:Brian jones posts : 3   (Beginner)Date : 12-11-15 18:16

Christmas Borovets

Hi all, New to the thred,can anyone tell what the atmosphere is lick at christmas in borovets arriving on the 19th.cheers bri
Doveski7 Author:Doveski7 posts : 137   (Intermediate)Date : 12-11-15 19:20

re:Christmas Borovets

I came out in 2008 for christmas .From what i can remember it was reasonably quiet but New Year was a blast in the Black Tiger with lots of fireworks. Sking was amazing on Christmas day as nobody else was on the slopes.
Have fun
dbut Author:dbut posts : 966   (Expert)Date : 12-13-15 05:02

re:Christmas Borovets

When you get there call in at Bobbys Bar and talk to Kas and Bobby. They will give you the low down on what is happening and I am sure because of the list of people who will be going in there you will get good information