Bulgaria Ski discussion board

Flights to Plovdiv ?

Jason Author:Jason posts : 197   (Intermediate)Date : 01-14-16 14:38

Flights to Plovdiv ?

Hi everyone. Does anyone know any carriers still flying from London to Plovdiv ???!!! all flights seem to be to Sofia. Thank you
Sune Author:Sune posts : 1354   (Master)Date : 01-14-16 16:00

re:Flights to Plovdiv ?

Hey Jason

Ryanair is flying from Stansted into Plovdiv every mondän and friday

Hopefully this helps

Gerry and Sandra Author:Gerry and Sandra posts : 410   (Expert)Date : 01-14-16 21:55

re:Flights to Plovdiv ?

"re:Flights to Plovdiv ?Hey Jason

Ryanair is flying from Stansted into Plovdiv every mondän and friday

Hopefully this helps


If you can get better prices by flying into Sofia it will add on about an hour and a half to Pamps,
so if the saving is enough it could be worth it. There are lots of flights into Sofia so probably you will
get a better price than flying with Ryanair into Plovdiv.

Jason Author:Jason posts : 197   (Intermediate)Date : 01-15-16 02:08

re:Flights to Plovdiv ?

Much appreciated Sune thank you. Price to Plovdiv not to bad with Ryanair Smile