Bulgaria Ski discussion board

Pampas jan feb or march

Dale Author:Dale posts : 62   (Intermediate)Date : 01-30-13 22:53

Pampas jan feb or march

Hi what do you think is the best month to go
Andie Author:Andie posts : 1278   (Master)Date : 01-31-13 13:26

re: Pampas jan feb or march

I would think Feb, Jan, March - in that order Snow
Dale Author:Dale posts : 62   (Intermediate)Date : 01-31-13 18:52

re: Pampas jan feb or march

Been march and feb now booked for next jan.
gary franklin Author:gary franklin posts : 62   (Intermediate)Date : 02-01-13 20:05

re: Pampas jan feb or march

I like Feb,Jan and March but also like Feb,March and Jan, theres only one way to find out...FIGHT Surprised
Josh Author:Josh posts : 286   (Expert)Date : 02-02-13 09:56

re: Pampas jan feb or march

I have been in Feb, March and April. Feb and March both great although resort gets very quiet in the evening during March. Slopes are still excellent though. April can get a bit warm but still OK. I wouldn't recommend though unless you book last minute.