Bulgaria Ski discussion board

cheap ski doo/mx bike rental?

Alex7 Author:Alex7 posts : 15   (Beginner)Date : 12-14-12 15:20

cheap ski doo/mx bike rental?

Where is the best place to rent them from?

Found one place but it's 250EUR a day. Probably a reasonable price in the UK, but was expecting it to be a bit cheaper over there.

I'm a motocrosser at heart, but it looks a bit cold for that, plus there is nowhere that rents decent bikes, they just look like trail bikes (unless anyone knows different?).

Thaaanks Smile
nightmuffy Author:nightmuffy posts : 1359   (Master)Date : 12-14-12 18:20

re: cheap ski doo/mx bike rental?

Have you tried Enduro sports camps bg???


Tell them Steve and Wendy from Bansko sent their details ;-)
nightmuffy Author:nightmuffy posts : 1359   (Master)Date : 12-14-12 18:24

re: cheap ski doo/mx bike rental?

Here's skidoo's if in bansko area


Tell Aaron Wendy and Steve gave you details Wink
Alex7 Author:Alex7 posts : 15   (Beginner)Date : 12-15-12 02:28

re: cheap ski doo/mx bike rental?

Are you sure they like you? They won't charge me extra will they LOL Booze

I was thinking more of a day trip, like £100. For £1.5k I'd just buy a bike and sell it when I leave, and find my own trails.

They are using the only bikes that I've won big events on though Smile
nightmuffy Author:nightmuffy posts : 1359   (Master)Date : 12-15-12 09:11

re: cheap ski doo/mx bike rental?

Snowmobiles in Bansko area cost 125euro for half day 1person, 150euro if 2 on same one.
Alex7 Author:Alex7 posts : 15   (Beginner)Date : 12-15-12 17:02

re: cheap ski doo/mx bike rental?

Cool thanks Smile