Well...it has finally stopped snowing - thank goodness!
The top is open and is beautiful blue skies and sunshine with freshly pisted slopes and over 2.5m of new snow... Markudjik 3 is still closed as is Popelangov - the former due to the amount of snow as they think people will go off of 3 onto the Avalanche and the latter as it's the 2nd day of the competition.
On the Rila side - everything is open and exactly the same as above.
So...another lock-in requested ...
Morning Guys,
Well...it has finally stopped snowing - thank goodness!
The top is open and is beautiful blue skies and sunshine with freshly pisted slopes and over 2.5m of new snow... Markudjik 3 is still closed as is Popelangov - the former due to the amount of snow as they think people will go off of 3 onto the Avalanche and the latter as it's the 2nd day of the competition.
On the Rila side - everything is open and exactly the same as above.
So...another lock-in requested tonight - check out the webcams around 5.30.
All in all happy days if only we could find the cars...!
lucky people if your out there this week as the conditions are gonna be perfect, hope its like this when we get there in a few weeks everywhere looks superb on the webcams!
moaning about the amount of snow kas, tut tut... last year we where just hoping for it to be cold enough for the snow cannons haha... what a difference so far this year!