Bulgaria Ski discussion board

Can I hire one of these in Boro??

Snow Plough Author:Snow Plough posts : 2669   (Master)Date : 12-31-12 10:52

re: Can I hire one of these in Boro??

Dark side!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!, your asking to be banned from this discussion board and BsBB.
Comments like above are noted by the board master Cool

kelvin500 Author:kelvin500 posts : 236   (Intermediate)Date : 12-31-12 16:08

re: Can I hire one of these in Boro??

I am going online now to order one!! I'm thinking its very probably going to be an extreme sport by the end of the week if boon is involved along the line!!
As for going to the dark side, I may have to buy 2, 1 for each foot just so I don't feel too uncomfortable!! Banana skiing