Bulgaria Ski discussion board

Castle Apartments & Pamporovo

Dean Author:Dean posts : 351   (Expert)Date : 01-01-15 23:05

re:Castle Apartments & Pamporovo

Recreational standard snowboarding... on skis i'm just controlled chaos somehow Razz
Graham Maloney Author:Graham Maloney posts : 57   (Intermediate)Date : 01-01-15 23:22

re:Castle Apartments & Pamporovo

"re:Castle Apartments & PamporovoRecreational standard snowboarding... on skis i'm just controlled chaos somehow "
Tried snowboarding last time out there can definitely say it's for the young and those that are very fit for their age me I prefer the gentle art of skiing
Snow White Author:Snow White posts : 1491   (Master)Date : 01-02-15 10:08

re:Castle Apartments & Pamporovo

Hi Dean, like Graham said, there are a number of local restaurants that offer a free pick up and drop off service if you book a table with them so that is worth finding out. Gloria Mar is one, I think chanove is another. The restaurant is great at the castle, I've eaten there on a few occasions.
Josh Author:Josh posts : 286   (Expert)Date : 01-02-15 12:39

re:Castle Apartments & Pamporovo

Hi Darren

As other people have said above, if you're not overly bothered about clubbing then the castle is perfect. It has 2 decent bars in the complex, one which serves good food, so you'll be absolutely fine. If you do want to venture into town do as Mark mentioned above and walk down the piste (take a torch or use your phone) and then just get a cab back ( you won't want to walk back up the hill!). It'll only set you back a fiver or so; not going to break the bank. I don't know if ...
Hi Darren

As other people have said above, if you're not overly bothered about clubbing then the castle is perfect. It has 2 decent bars in the complex, one which serves good food, so you'll be absolutely fine. If you do want to venture into town do as Mark mentioned above and walk down the piste (take a torch or use your phone) and then just get a cab back ( you won't want to walk back up the hill!). It'll only set you back a fiver or so; not going to break the bank. I don't know if they have ski storage at the Castle but I would imagine they do. They definitely do at Evridika Hills which I have used ( it's next door ) so might be worth checking that out too to see how I compares on price (I have no idea).

Both hotels are in a great location and you'll have a fab time. Enjoy.

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Dean Author:Dean posts : 351   (Expert)Date : 01-02-15 15:47

re:Castle Apartments & Pamporovo

Thanks so much everyone... if i can get the time off work, i think pamporovo will be my choice Smile

What's the situation with Cheplare just down the road, is there transport you can pay to get there with your ski gear, or is the only way to get there by private transfer? what sort of runs do they have there and how much is a lift pass for the day roughly as i can't find any updated info on it at all Confused

Dean Cool
Josh Author:Josh posts : 286   (Expert)Date : 01-02-15 15:57

re:Castle Apartments & Pamporovo

http://www.chepelarecenter.com/?lang=en&p=72 this link will give you some info on Chepelare. You can get a cab there, they'll take your ski gear, and it shouldn't cost too much as it's not far. Tell them a time and they'll pick you up too and take you home. Having skied there a few times I'd say it's definitely worth a day out for a change of scenery. Lift passes are cheap, around 30 lev I think for a day. so around 12 ...
http://www.chepelarecenter.com/?lang=en&p=72 this link will give you some info on Chepelare. You can get a cab there, they'll take your ski gear, and it shouldn't cost too much as it's not far. Tell them a time and they'll pick you up too and take you home. Having skied there a few times I'd say it's definitely worth a day out for a change of scenery. Lift passes are cheap, around 30 lev I think for a day. so around 12 quid. It's a fun little resort with one or two great runs. V good for boarding too with hardly any flat bits.

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Pamporovo Villager (Ex Forest Nooky) Author:Pamporovo Villager (Ex Forest Nooky) posts : 191   (Intermediate)Date : 01-02-15 21:17

re:Castle Apartments & Pamporovo

AsJosh says, deffo worth a day in Chep, the red run is cracking and there's a long winding run which I think is the longest ski run in Bulgaria. A lovely little Mehena at the top of the mountain which sells good food and drink at cheap prices.

Conditions on the Chep webcam look good today too
Snow White Author:Snow White posts : 1491   (Master)Date : 01-03-15 01:12

re:Castle Apartments & Pamporovo

Yes Chep is great for a day. You can buy a days lift pass or you can buy a lift pass which allows you to use the main lift a certain number of times. It is more frequented by locals rather than tourists and is quite a different experience.
Dean Author:Dean posts : 351   (Expert)Date : 01-03-15 21:20

re:Castle Apartments & Pamporovo

thanks so much Smile how much does a taxi/transport to cheplare generally cost, as i'm really interested in going as i may never get the chance to go back to pamporovo again.
Dean Author:Dean posts : 351   (Expert)Date : 01-03-15 21:37

re:Castle Apartments & Pamporovo

also, save starting a new topic... does anyone know how much night skiing costs? and is it just the black run for advanced only? thanks again Smile