Taxi for 4 people to Chep is 20 Bgn one way. For 8 adults it's 30 lev.
Night skiing is on the wall but they have now lit the red at the top so you can go from the tower.
Thanks so much for the help everyone, holiday is being booked tomorrow! how do you go about booking a taxi in advance out of interest to get the best rate in case we were interested in going cheplare?
I bought a place 13 km from Pamps 9 years ago which I rent out and go out most winters for a Cpl of weeks . Thot I knew the ropes but a Cpl of years ago i took some friends out and we drove with hire car to Pamps ,15 mins, and when I got there and parked up, I decided I wanted to go "on it "so spoke to a taxi driver how much it would cost to get back to the village Momchilovtsi. He said "oh ,you want the drink drive eh?" I said ,"well it did cross ma mind but a bit risky " Want he meant was ...
I bought a place 13 km from Pamps 9 years ago which I rent out and go out most winters for a Cpl of weeks . Thot I knew the ropes but a Cpl of years ago i took some friends out and we drove with hire car to Pamps ,15 mins, and when I got there and parked up, I decided I wanted to go "on it "so spoke to a taxi driver how much it would cost to get back to the village Momchilovtsi. He said "oh ,you want the drink drive eh?" I said ,"well it did cross ma mind but a bit risky " Want he meant was .
they drive you in a taxi home and another taxi driver drives ur car home following you. ALL for £25 . Bargain !! And still got the car outside ready for in the morning .
What a great idea! wouldn't' work in the UK though as motor insurance tends to be more restrictive.
Dean I can arrange you a private taxi to go to chepelare if you want to drop me an email with dates and times?