Bulgaria Ski discussion board


Noodles Author:Noodles posts : 829   (Expert)Date : 02-18-15 18:46


Hiya,,, will you be going to bobbys bar,,, I'm a Forrester too,,, just wondered? Maybe see you there, if you don't ski,,, you can always snowboard with me! Everyone keeps away from boarders haha,, take it easy. Cool
synamon harvey-forrester Author:synamon harvey-forrester posts : 4   (Beginner)Date : 02-19-15 10:54


Vicky, Nanny and Grandad are already on it!!xx
synamon harvey-forrester Author:synamon harvey-forrester posts : 4   (Beginner)Date : 02-19-15 10:54


RE Bobbys - watch out for a lady shouting "are there any forresters in here"!