Hi there
Where it the best place to get some Levs please? we are staying at Hotel Victoria who i believe have an exchange, but will it be cheaper in the town? if so, are there any places to avoid? Someone told me that it is dodgy changing money in the town? left it too late to get any here as it has to be ordered in.
Thanks in advance
you get the best rates in Samokov town but if touch are in Borovets the crown exchange booths I have never had any problems with and also the bank by the ski depot under the Samoxov hotel in borovets opposite the gondola also the cash points do five touch a good rate and there is a couple in boro Jon
Hi,don't get Levs here as you'll get much better rate in resort ,I always use the Crown booths or there's a cashpoint at the bank opposite the gondola and one outside the Rila or use a bank there.I wouldn't change any money in any of the other booths even though the rate may look better I've heard you still get less!
So basically bank, cashpoint or Crown booths (huts)
Thanks guys. I know when we went to Romania the rate was better out there than here and we didn't spend much anyway so hate changing it back for miles less when you get home. Just heard a few bad stories so thought I'd check with the experts! Big thanks
Author:steve.g and Cherylposts : 124 (Intermediate)Date : 01-06-13 00:03
re: best place to exchange money
there are several banks at borovets that give good rates but generally are only open while your skiing.the booths are fine as a rule but you need to change round figures just to make sure you know what you should be getting,they have been known to hoodwink the easy prey. steve.g