Bulgaria Ski discussion board

Bulgarian National Drink

Kim Author: posts : 13   (Beginner)Date : 03-13-06 14:41

re: Bulgarian National Drink

Funny post - I like that - and very true! Booze
michduncg Author: posts : 13   (Beginner)Date : 03-13-06 19:44

re: Bulgarian National Drink

I think i've had one... is it a neon green colour?
john_mury Author: posts : 13   (Beginner)Date : 03-14-06 14:46

re: Bulgarian National Drink

The most famous bulgarian rakia is "Troyanska slivova". Try it .......... and you'll never walk alone!!! Wink
The Boss Author: posts : 13   (Beginner)Date : 03-14-06 14:47

re: Bulgarian National Drink

What a bullshits are written here...

Don't you know what is rakia? It is just like whiskey, but with many varieties, different smell, taste...
Darren Author: posts : 13   (Beginner)Date : 03-14-06 14:47

re: Bulgarian National Drink

No - that is absynth - which is like nail varnish remover :-)
JohnKK Author: posts : 13   (Beginner)Date : 03-14-06 14:49

re: Bulgarian National Drink

Rakia is strong and very good drink. I've tried it (loved it!) and I know many people who were in Bulgaria and started lovin' it. It is strong and if it is a quality kind of rakia then you are not going to have any hangover at all (well you should be aware with the amount after all).
Sam Author: posts : 13   (Beginner)Date : 03-14-06 15:04

re: Bulgarian National Drink

Yep. Rakia rules. With a good rakia you can't get headache in the morning. Depends on the level of sugar in it. Its colours depend on the stuff of which is made- from transperant to dark brown(whiskyish) colour.
Use google, I think you can find more full info.
Neon green - LMAO! Very Happy
oxo Author: posts : 13   (Beginner)Date : 03-14-06 15:33

re: Bulgarian National Drink

Rakia's best friend is the Salata! Don't forget about it Wink
expert Author: posts : 13   (Beginner)Date : 03-14-06 15:36

re: Bulgarian National Drink

I know a pretty way to drink rakia. Itīs a similar one to drinking tekila and is called "RAKILA". But in place of the piece of lemon you get a piece of tomato... Cool Booze Very Happy
Kireto Author: posts : 13   (Beginner)Date : 03-14-06 15:48

re: Bulgarian National Drink

Sam you are wrong, there is no sugar in rakia if it is made rightSmile I have made a lot of rakia. The process of producing is the following: collect the fruits(not weet which is used for wisky), wait for them to ferment and produece the alcohol from the sugar and then you have to destil this to produce the rakia. The colour does not depent very much on the fruits if the rakia is made rightSmile - the taste does. It is coloured later when the rakia is stored in the wooden barrels. The colour ...
Sam you are wrong, there is no sugar in rakia if it is made rightSmile I have made a lot of rakia. The process of producing is the following: collect the fruits(not weet which is used for wisky), wait for them to ferment and produece the alcohol from the sugar and then you have to destil this to produce the rakia. The colour does not depent very much on the fruits if the rakia is made rightSmile - the taste does. It is coloured later when the rakia is stored in the wooden barrels. The colour depends on the type of the wood generally. It is preffert to store the rakia in the wooden barrels because it softens the taste and gives the rakia colour.

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