Bulgaria Ski discussion board

Bulgarian National Drink

Your Name Author: posts : 13   (Beginner)Date : 03-14-06 18:08

re: Bulgarian National Drink

>>The Boss (---.netage.bg)

ti si gyz!
HellMan Author: posts : 13   (Beginner)Date : 03-14-06 19:03

re: Bulgarian National Drink

Weel guys - I'm from Bulgaria and you really can use the RAKIA for rocket fuel ;-) or submarine or whatever
Booze Cheers!
In fact - rakia is near to the whiskey - but it's produced by fruit's fermentation
The most famous rakia is "Grozdova" - produced by grapes
Stash Author: posts : 13   (Beginner)Date : 03-14-06 19:48

re: Bulgarian National Drink

RAKIA is traditional bulgarian drink , MASTIKA i most GREECE traditional drink(UZO)Smile
when you come here in bulgaria ,taste it Smile
Invincible Author: posts : 13   (Beginner)Date : 03-15-06 08:50

re: Bulgarian National Drink

Here a some advises how to make a rakia at home Smile
Here in Bulgaria we make over a 100 liters of rakia. Here is an advises to make about 1-2 liter.
1. Gather some fruits - plums or grapes (or some thing else which can ferment).
2. Put them in a big plastic bottle of 10-20 liters (from a mineral water for example )
3. Put the bottle in a dark place and waiting to start ferment.
4. Before start fermenting you must put a sugar (about 4-5 kg) in bottle and mix it (we call the mixture - ...
Here a some advises how to make a rakia at home Smile
Here in Bulgaria we make over a 100 liters of rakia. Here is an advises to make about 1-2 liter.
1. Gather some fruits - plums or grapes (or some thing else which can ferment).
2. Put them in a big plastic bottle of 10-20 liters (from a mineral water for example )
3. Put the bottle in a dark place and waiting to start ferment.
4. Before start fermenting you must put a sugar (about 4-5 kg) in bottle and mix it (we call the mixture - "DJIBRE") .
5. After fermenting we have to boil it.
6. Take a big saucepan and put a part of mixture in it.
7. We have to find a plastic pipe.
8. Cover up the saucepan, put one end of pipe between lid and saucepan. Do not put in a mixture it must be in the air.
Fill the crevice with something. The purpose of all that thing is the steam from mixure to go through a pipe.
9. Find another bottle of water pierce it and lay pipe through it, Fill the crevice with something and fill bottle with water.
Steam will make a condense when pass through the water.
10. Put the other end of pipe in another empty bottle.
11. Start boil the mixture.
12. And don't drink a lot Smile.

[read more]

Vladimir Author: posts : 13   (Beginner)Date : 03-15-06 10:50

re: Bulgarian National Drink

I have nothing more to say, folks, than other guys from Bulgaria already did, except: The only way to get a clear notion about what exactky rakia is, is to come here and taste it personally (and take another glass, and then another...) Booze
beatles Author: posts : 13   (Beginner)Date : 03-15-06 11:41

re: Bulgarian National Drink

Well, procedures like the one Invincible suggests are exactly the cause of rumors, that Rakia will give you a headache. If you do it that way, IT WILL! You need the separate the methanol fractions (the ones that come first, let's say about 73-74 degrees) and the ethanol fractions (coming later, at 78-80 degrees) and that's why a good destillation apparatus equipped with e thermometer is a must!
just go to BG and try it, ok?
Alco Author: posts : 13   (Beginner)Date : 03-15-06 13:51

re: Bulgarian National Drink

You got to have courage to drink this notorious substance! There are lots of varieties, of it, mainly depending on the fruit used to produce it, the apricot one considered the best by some, also the most popular grape variety, or the plum rakiya, very strong and distinguished.
There's this bulgarian saying:
Some people drink rakiya when sad, others when happy, the rset of them drink it EVERY DAY!
bulgarian Author: posts : 13   (Beginner)Date : 03-15-06 15:08

re: Bulgarian National Drink

to Roger:
Man, you don't understand anything. I think that you just can't drink. Very Happy Yeah, rakia is a very strong alcohol drink and it's not for everyone especially if you are under age. Very Happy Like BG girl said "keep you national habit and drink petrol". It's not very delicious but it's better for you.
hey Author: posts : 13   (Beginner)Date : 03-15-06 17:09

re: Bulgarian National Drink

Rakia is a man's best friend!
thefatcat Author: posts : 13   (Beginner)Date : 03-16-06 09:44