We took some cigarettes back from here to the UK for a friend and bought them from a petrol station close to Sofia airport - they were cheaper than Duty Free.
tell them not to fill their case too full-Ive seen people having them confiscated from their checked in bags. May struggle to find UK brands in smaller places.
Nearly all branded versions on sale in the resorts are fake. The packaging looks perfect, but that's where it ends. They also have very sophisticated scannera at the airports now so don't try to exceed your allowances or you will probably lose the lot.
allowance for personal use is roughly 800 but tell them to make sure that the packs they buy have the EU vat paid markers on them if not customs can confiscate them Jon
Plovdiv airport has a 'tiny' duty free shop and they do sell cigs and tabacco
They tend to have L&B, Marlboro, Golden Virginia, rather than the BG brands. GV is the same price it is in our local shop