Bulgaria Ski discussion board

the big question. will u return to bulgaria skii resorts in 2010??

scapula Author: posts : 13   (Beginner)Date : 03-18-09 21:34

re: the big question. will u return to bulgaria skii resorts in 2010??

Spice Author: posts : 13   (Beginner)Date : 03-18-09 22:58

re: the big question. will u return to bulgaria skii resorts in 2010??

scapula Author: posts : 13   (Beginner)Date : 03-19-09 00:57

re: the big question. will u return to bulgaria skii resorts in 2010??

this question was asked last year and from hundreds of replies it was roughly 50/50 I know cos I counted them
Armagedon Author: posts : 13   (Beginner)Date : 03-19-09 10:02

re: the big question. will u return to bulgaria skii resorts in 2010??

Probably in 2231
Mat Author:Mat posts : 1182   (Master)Date : 03-19-09 10:12

re: the big question. will u return to bulgaria skii resorts in 2010??

If I still live here, yes. If not, no chance
sofia nick Author:Sofia Nick posts : 87   (Intermediate)Date : 03-19-09 14:10

re: the big question. will u return to bulgaria skii resorts in 2010??

Yep everyweekend,
Dawn Author: posts : 13   (Beginner)Date : 03-19-09 20:46

re: the big question. will u return to bulgaria skii resorts in 2010??

pamporovo yes! yes! and yes!
Futtsmeister Author: posts : 13   (Beginner)Date : 03-19-09 21:34

re: the big question. will u return to bulgaria skii resorts in 2010??

Yes definately
Nico Author:Nico posts : 102   (Intermediate)Date : 03-19-09 23:40

re: the big question. will u return to bulgaria skii resorts in 2010??

It will be allready in 2009 again Very Happy
LizziSnow Author: posts : 13   (Beginner)Date : 03-20-09 00:09

re: the big question. will u return to bulgaria skii resorts in 2010??

no - already booked Italy. Can't face the 'will there be snow?' dilemma again coupled with the extensive transfer from Sofia. We love Pamps, but def won't be back till tour ops start to offer Plovdiv flights again.