Bulgaria Ski discussion board

the big question. will u return to bulgaria skii resorts in 2010??

Louise Author: posts : 13   (Beginner)Date : 04-05-09 13:41

re: the big question. will u return to bulgaria skii resorts in 2010??

yes definately!
philipf Author:philipf posts : 1181   (Master)Date : 04-15-09 01:20

re: the big question. will u return to bulgaria skii resorts in 2010??

to date

yes 39 will return73%

no 15 will not 27%
dd notts Author: posts : 13   (Beginner)Date : 04-15-09 10:15

re: the big question. will u return to bulgaria skii resorts in 2010??

been to pamps last 2 years and had great time but 4 hours from sofia has made us think twice before booking a third time. still not sure
Steve C Author:Steve C posts : 2898   (Master)Date : 04-15-09 11:05

re: the big question. will u return to bulgaria skii resorts in 2010??

Yes, im not moving from Bansko Cool
sam Author:sam posts : 4249   (Master)Date : 04-15-09 20:45

re: the big question. will u return to bulgaria skii resorts in 2010??

yes booked for christmas
sam Author:sam posts : 4249   (Master)Date : 04-15-09 20:45

re: the big question. will u return to bulgaria skii resorts in 2010??

yes booked for christmas
Debbie Author: posts : 13   (Beginner)Date : 04-23-09 12:42

re: the big question. will u return to bulgaria skii resorts in 2010??

Lorenzo Author: posts : 13   (Beginner)Date : 04-23-09 16:44

re: the big question. will u return to bulgaria skii resorts in 2010??

Mick R Author:Mick R posts : 64   (Intermediate)Date : 04-23-09 17:10

re: the big question. will u return to bulgaria skii resorts in 2010??

Yes booked for half term week
WTF Author: posts : 13   (Beginner)Date : 04-23-09 20:21

re: the big question. will u return to bulgaria skii resorts in 2010??
