Sorry to be the bearer of bad news, i too bought from brittannia and have found myself thousands out of pocket. From what i can see searching the internet, brittannia overseas property was dissolved on 16th oct 2012. Therfore the company no longer exists. Andrew Moore who was a director of the company has either dissolved or resigned from his postion as director in at least 6 companies in the last 8 years! definately not a person to trust with your savings. Nigel(arse)Hole has also had 6 ...
Sorry to be the bearer of bad news, i too bought from brittannia and have found myself thousands out of pocket. From what i can see searching the internet, brittannia overseas property was dissolved on 16th oct 2012. Therfore the company no longer exists. Andrew Moore who was a director of the company has either dissolved or resigned from his postion as director in at least 6 companies in the last 8 years! definately not a person to trust with your savings. Nigel(arse)Hole has also had 6 companies either go into liquidation been dissolved or resigned from been a director. What a pair of con artist cowboys